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877 lines
|* vmSun.s -
|* Subroutines to access Sun virtual memory mapping hardware.
|* All of the routines in here assume that source and destination
|* function codes are set to MMU space.
|* Copyright (C) 1985 Regents of the University of California
|* All rights reserved.
#include "vmSunConst.h"
#include "machAsmDefs.h"
.asciz "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/vm/sun3.md/RCS/vmSunAsm.s,v 1.4 90/09/11 10:46:20 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)"
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachReadPTE --
|* Map the given hardware pmeg into the kernel's address space and
|* return the pte at the corresponding address. There is a reserved
|* address in the kernel that is used to map this hardware pmeg.
|* VmMachPTE VmMachReadPTE(pmegNum, addr)
|* int pmegNum;/* The pmeg to read the PTE for. */
|* Address addr; /* The virtual address to read the PTE for. */
|* Results:
|* The value of the PTE.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachReadPTE
|* Set the segment map entry.
movl _vmMachPTESegAddr,a0 | Get access address
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF,a0 | Bump to segment map offset
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get segment map entry to write.
movsb d0,a0@ | Write segment map entry
|* Get the page map entry.
movl sp@(8),d0 | Get virtual address
andw #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_MASK,d0| Mask out low bits
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_OFF,d0 | Add in page map offset.
movl d0, a0
movsl a0@,d0 | d0 <= page map entry
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachWritePTE --
|* Map the given hardware pmeg into the kernel's address space and
|* write the pte at the corresponding address. There is a reserved
|* address in the kernel that is used to map this hardware pmeg.
|* void VmMachWritePTE(pmegNum, addr, pte)
|* int pmegNum; /* The pmeg to write the PTE for. */
|* Address addr; /* The address to write the PTE for. */
|* VmMachPTE pte; /* The page table entry to write. */
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The hardware page table entry is set.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachWritePTE
|* Set the segment map entry.
movl _vmMachPTESegAddr,a0 | Get access address
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF,a0 | Bump to segment map offset
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get segment map entry to write.
movsb d0,a0@ | Write segment map entry
|* Set the page map entry.
movl sp@(8),d0 | Get virtual address into a register
andw #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_MASK,d0 | Mask out low bits
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_OFF,d0 | Add in page map offset.
movl d0, a0
movl sp@(12),d0 | Get page map entry into a register
movsl d0,a0@ | Write page map entry
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachGetPageMap --
|* Return the page map entry for the given virtual address.
|* It is assumed that the user context register is set to the context
|* for which the page map entry is to retrieved.
|* int Vm_GetPageMap(virtualAddress)
|* Address virtualAddress;
|* Results:
|* The contents of the hardware page map entry.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachGetPageMap
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get virtual address into a register
andw #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_MASK,d0| Get relevant bits from address.
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_OFF,d0 | Add in page map offset.
movl d0, a0
movsl a0@,d0 | Read page map entry
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachGetSegMap --
|* Return the segment map entry for the given virtual address.
|* It is assumed that the user context register is set to the context
|* for which the segment map entry is to retrieved.
|* int VmMachGetSegMap(virtualAddress)
|* Address virtualAddress;
|* Results:
|* The contents of the segment map entry.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachGetSegMap
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get virtual address in a register.
andw #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_MASK,d0 | Get relevant bits.
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF,d0 | Add in segment map offset
movl d0, a0
clrl d0 | Clear the return register.
movsb a0@,d0 | Read segment map entry into return
| register.
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSetPageMap --
|* Set the page map entry for the given virtual address to the pte valud
|* given in pte. It is assumed that the user context register is
|* set to the context for which the page map entry is to be set.
|* void VmMachSetPageMap(virtualAddress, pte)
|* Address virtualAddress;
|* VmMachPTE pte;
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The hardware page map entry is set.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSetPageMap
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get virtual address into a register
andw #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_MASK,d0| Mask out low bits
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_MAP_OFF,d0 | Add in page map offset.
movl d0, a0
movl sp@(8),d0 | Get page map entry into a register
movsl d0,a0@ | Write page map entry
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachPMEGZero --
|* Set all of the page table entries in the pmeg to 0. There is a special
|* address in the kernel's address space (vmMachPTESegAddr) that is used to
|* map the pmeg in so that it can be zeroed.
|* void VmMachPMEGZero(pmeg)
|* int pmeg;
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The given pmeg is zeroed.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachPMEGZero
| Write segment map entry
movl _vmMachPMEGSegAddr, d1
movl d1, a0
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF, a0 | a0 <= Segment map address
movl sp@(4),d0 | d0 <= PMEG num
movsb d0,a0@ | Write PMEG num to segment map
| Now zero out all page table entries.
movl d1, a0 | a0 <= Starting address
| d1 <= Ending address
clrl d0 | Clear out d0.
movsl d0,a0@ | Write page map entry
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_SIZE_INT, a0 | Go to next address.
cmpl a0, d1 | See if have initialized all
bgt 1b | ptes.
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachReadAndZeroPMEG --
|* Read out all page table entries in the given pmeg and then set each to
|* zero. There is a special address in the kernel's address space
|* (vmMachPTESegAddr) that is used to access the PMEG.
|* void VmMachPMEGZero(pmeg, pteArray)
|* int pmeg;
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The given pmeg is zeroed and *pteArray is filled in with the contents
|* of the PMEG before it is zeroed.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachReadAndZeroPMEG
movl _vmMachPMEGSegAddr, a0
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF, a0 | a0 <= Segment map address
movl sp@(4),d0 | d0 <= PMEG num
movsb d0,a0@ | Write PMEG num to segment map
movl sp@(8), a1 | a1 <= pteArray
| Subtract off seg map offset and add page map offset into a0.
movl #VMMACH_NUM_PAGES_PER_SEG_INT, d1 | d1 <= Pmegs per seg.
movsl a0@, d0 | Read out the pte
movl d0, a1@+ | a1 <= the pte
clrl d0
movsl d0, a0@ | Clear out the pte.
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_SIZE_INT, a0 | Go to next address.
subql #1, d1
bgt 1b
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachTracePMEG --
|* Read out all page table entries in the given pmeg, generate trace
|* records for each with ref or mod bit set and then clear the ref
|* and mod bits.
|* void VmMachTracePMEG(pmeg)
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The reference and modified bits are cleared for all pages in
|* this PMEG.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachTracePMEG
movl sp@(4), d0 | d0 <= PMEG num
moveml #0x3020, sp@- | Save d2, d3 and a2
movl _vmMachPMEGSegAddr, a2
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF, a2 | a2 <= Segment map address
movsb d0,a2@ | Write PMEG num to segment map
| Subtract off seg map offset and add page map offset into a2.
movl #VMMACH_NUM_PAGES_PER_SEG_INT, d3 | d3 <= Pmegs per seg.
movsl a2@, d2 | Read out the pte
|* Trace this page if it is resident and the reference and modify bits
|* are set.
movl d2, d0
andl #PTE_MASK, d0
beq 2f
beq 2f
movl d3, sp@- | Push page num onto stack.
movl d2, sp@- | Push pte onto stack.
| Clear the ref and mod bits.
movsl d2, a2@
jsr _VmMachTracePage | VmMachTrace(pte, pageNum)
addql #8, sp
|* Go to the next page.
addl #VMMACH_PAGE_SIZE_INT, a2 | Go to next address.
subql #1, d3
bgt 1b
moveml sp@+, #0x040c | Restore a2, d3 and d2
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSetSegMap --
|* Set the segment map entry for the given virtual address to the given
|* value. It is assumed that the user context register is set to the
|* context for which the segment map entry is to be set.
|* void VmMachSetSegMap(virtualAddress, value)
|* Address virtualAddress;
|* unsigned char value;
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* Hardware segment map entry for the current user context is set.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSetSegMap
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get access address
andw #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_MASK,d0 | Mask out low bits
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF,d0 | Bump to segment map offset
movl d0, a0
movl sp@(8),d0 | Get segment map entry to write in a
| register.
movsb d0,a0@ | Write segment map entry
rts | return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSegMapCopy --
|* Copy the software segment map entries into the hardware segment entries.
|* All segment table entries between address startAddr and address
|* endAddr are copied. It is assumed that the user context register is
|* set to the context for which the segment map entries are to be set.
|* void VmMachSegMapCopy(tablePtr, startAddr, endAddr)
|* char *tablePtr;
|* int startAddr;
|* int endAddr;
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* Hardware segment map entries for the current user context are set.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSegMapCopy
movl sp@(4),a0 | Get segment table address
movl sp@(8),d1 | Get start address in a register.
andw #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_MASK,d1 | Mask out low bits
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF,d1 | Bump to segment map offset
movl d1, a1
movl sp@(12),d1 | Get end address in a register.
addl #VMMACH_SEG_MAP_OFF, d1 | Add in offset.
movb a0@,d0 | Get segment map entry to write.
movsb d0,a1@ | Write segment map entry
addql #1, a0 | Increment the address to copy from.
addl #VMMACH_SEG_SIZE, a1 | Increment the address to copy to.
cmpl a1, d1 | See if hit upper bound. If not
bgt 1b | continue.
* Sun 2's require that the context offset be treated as a word and on Sun-3's
* it can't be.
#ifdef sun3
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachGetContextReg --
|* Return the value of the context register (on a Sun-2 the user context
|* register).
|* int VmMachGetContextReg()
|* Results:
|* The value of context register.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachGetContextReg
| Move context reg into result
| register.
#ifdef sun3
andb #VMMACH_CONTEXT_MASK,d0 | Clear high-order bits
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSetContextReg --
|* Set the user and kernel context registers to the given value.
|* void VmMachSetContext(value)
|* int value; /* Value to set register to */
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSetContextReg
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get context value to set
| into a
| register
| Set context register(s).
#ifdef sun3
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachGetUserContext --
|* Return the value of the user context register.
|* int VmMachGetUserContext()
|* Results:
|* The value of user context register.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachGetUserContext
movsb VMMACH_UC_OFF,d0 | Get context reg value
andb #VMMACH_CONTEXT_MASK,d0 | Clear high-order bits
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachGetKernelContext --
|* Return the value of the kernel context register.
|* int VmMachGetKernelContext()
|* Results:
|* The value of kernel context register.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachGetKernelContext
movsb VMMACH_KC_OFF,d0 | Get context reg value.
andb #VMMACH_CONTEXT_MASK,d0 | Clear high-order bits
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSetUserContext --
|* Set the user context register to the given value.
|* void VmMachSetUserContext(value)
|* int value; /* Value to set register to */
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSetUserContext
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get context value to set.
movsb d0,VMMACH_UC_OFF | Set context register.
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|* VmMachSetKernelContext --
|* Set the kernel context register to the given value.
|* void VmMachSetKernelContext(value)
|* int value; /* Value to set register to */
|* Results:
|* None.
|* Side effects:
|* The supervisor context is set.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachSetKernelContext
movl sp@(4),d0 | Get context value to set
movsb d0,VMMACH_KC_OFF | Set context register
rts | Return
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|* Vm_Copy{In,Out}
|* Copy numBytes from *sourcePtr in to *destPtr.
|* This routine is optimized to do transfers when sourcePtr and
|* destPtr are both 4-byte aligned.
|* void
|* Vm_Copy{In,Out}(numBytes, sourcePtr, destPtr)
|* register int numBytes; /* The number of bytes to copy */
|* Address sourcePtr; /* Where to copy from. */
|* Address destPtr; /* Where to copy to. */
|* NOTE: The trap handler assumes that this routine does not push anything
|* onto the stack. It uses this fact to allow it to return to the
|* caller of this routine upon an address fault. If you must push
|* something onto the stack then you had better go and modify
|* "CallTrapHandler" in asmDefs.h appropriately.
|* Results:
|* Returns SUCCESS if the copy went OK (which is almost always). If
|* a bus error (other than a page fault) occurred while reading or
|* writing user memory, then SYS_ARG_NO_ACCESS is returned (this return
|* occurs from the trap handler, rather than from this procedure).
|* Side effects:
|* The area that destPtr points to is modified.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _VmMachDoCopy
.globl _Vm_CopyIn
movl sp@(4),d1 | Get number of bytes into a
| register.
movl sp@(8),a0 | Get source and dest addresses
movl sp@(12),a1 | into a register.
|* If the source or dest are not 2 byte aligned then everything must be
|* done as byte copies.
movl a0,d0
orl sp@(12),d0
andl #1,d0
jne 3f
|* Do as many 64-byte copies as possible.
cmpl #64,d1
jlt 2f
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
subl #64,d1
jra 1b
|* Copy up to 64 bytes of remainder, in 4-byte chunks. Do this quickly
|* by dispatching into the middle of a sequence of move instructions.
movl d1,d0
andl #3,d1
subl d1,d0
asrl #1,d0
negl d0
jmp pc@(34, d0:w)
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
movl a0@+, a1@+
|* Do one byte copies until done.
tstl d1
jle 4f
movb a0@+,a1@+
subql #1,d1
jra 3b
|* Return.
clrl d0
|* Vm_CopyOut is just like Vm_CopyIn except that it checks to make sure
|* that the destination is in the user area (otherwise this would be a
|* trap door to write to kernel space).
.globl _Vm_CopyOut, _mach_FirstUserAddr, _mach_LastUserAddr
movl sp@(4),d1 | Get number of bytes into a
| register.
movl sp@(8),a0 | Get source and dest addresses
movl sp@(12),a1 | into a register.
cmpl _mach_FirstUserAddr,a1
jcs 5f
movl a1,d0
subql #1,d0
addl d1,d0
jcs 5f
cmpl _mach_LastUserAddr,d0
jls gotArgs
|* User address out of range. Check for a zero byte count before
|* returning an error, though; there appear to be kernel routines
|* that call Vm_CopyOut with a zero count but bogus other arguments.
tstl d1
jne 6f
clrl d0
movl #0x20000,d0
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|* Vm_StringNCopy
|* Copy the NULL terminated string from *sourcePtr to *destPtr up
|* numBytes worth of bytes.
|* ReturnStatus
|* Vm_StringNCopy(numBytes, sourcePtr, destPtr, bytesCopiedPtr)
|* register int numBytes; /* The number of bytes to copy */
|* Address sourcePtr; /* Where to copy from. */
|* Address destPtr; /* Where to copy to. */
|* int *bytesCopiedPtr; /* Number of bytes copied. */
|* NOTE: The trap handler assumes that this routine does not push anything
|* onto the stack. It uses this fact to allow it to return to the
|* caller of this routine upon an address fault. If you must push
|* something onto the stack then you had better go and modify
|* "CallTrapHandler" in asmDefs.h appropriately.
|* Results:
|* Normally returns SUCCESS. If a non-recoverable bus error occurs,
|* then the trap handler fakes up a SYS_ARG_NO_ACCESS return from
|* this procedure.
|* Side effects:
|* The area that destPtr points to is modified and *bytesCopiedPtr
|* contains the number of bytes copied.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _Vm_StringNCopy
movl sp@(4),d1 | Get number of bytes into a
| register.
movl sp@(8),a0 | Get source and dest addresses
movl sp@(12),a1 | into a register.
movb a0@, a1@+ | Copy the character.
cmpb #0, a0@+ | See if hit null in string.
beq 2f
subl #1, d1 | Decrement the byte counter.
bne 1b | Copy more chars if haven't
| reached the limit.
movl sp@(4), d0 | Compute the number of bytes
subl d1, d0 | copied and store the
movl sp@(16), a0 | result.
movl d0, a0@
clrl d0 | Return SUCCESS.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|* Vm_TouchPages --
|* Touch the range of pages.
|* void
|* Vm_TouchPages(firstPage, numPages)
|* int firstPage; /* First page to touch. */
|* int numPages; /* Number of pages to touch. */
|* NOTE: The trap handler assumes that this routine does not push anything
|* onto the stack. It uses this fact to allow it to return to the
|* caller of this routine upon an address fault. If you must push
|* something onto the stack then you had better go and modify
|* "CallTrapHandler" in asmDefs.h appropriately.
|* Results:
|* Returns SUCCESS if were able to touch the page (which is almost
|* always). If a bus error (other than a page fault) occurred while
|* reading user memory, then SYS_ARG_NO_ACCESS is returned (this return
|* occurs from the trap handler, rather than from this procedure).
|* Side effects:
|* None.
|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.globl _Vm_TouchPages
movl sp@(4),d0 | d0 <= firstPage
asll d1, d0 | d0 <= d0 << VMMACH_PAGE_SIZE
movl d0, a0 | a0 <= Starting address
movl sp@(8), d0 | d0 <= numPages
tstl d0 | Quit when d0 == 0
jeq 2f
movl a0@, d1 | Touch the page at the address in a0
subql #1, d0 | Go back around to touch the next page.
jra 1b
|* The address marker below is there so that the trap handler knows the
|* end of code that may take a page fault while copying into/out of
|* user space.
.globl _VmMachCopyEnd